The Eugene Gleemen

Sponsorship & Program Opportunities

The Eugene Gleemen are a men's choral group of 50+ members who will celebrate their 100th anniversary next year.
The Gleemen are the longest continuously performing men's choir west of the Mississippi!

2024-2025 Season

Holiday Concert with Oregon Children’s Choirs

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

December 1, 2024

Caroling Excursions

6 appearances around the community Every Tuesday and Friday Evening December 13, 17, & 20

River Road Parks District
Holiday Afternoon Party
December 15, 2024

Holiday Market Concerts – Lane Events Center
(public event)


Spring Concert 2025

The Joy of Singing

Saturday, May 17, and Sunday, May 18

Sponsorship Opportunities
                           [online or print form]

All sponsorship levels receive these benefits!
  Name listing in all concert programs

 Name listing on Gleemen website

  Acknowledgement on website (

Season Sponsor
- $2500 (click for online order)

8 tickets to each concert (does not include Valentine’s Banquet)

Full page acknowledgement or ad in all concert programs

Full size poster acknowledgment at check in for each concert

Verbal acknowledgement at all performances

Concert Sponsor - $1000 (click for online order)

4 tickets to each concert (does not include Valentine’s Bankquet)

½ page acknowledgement or ad in sponsored concert program

Shared poster acknowledgment at check in for sponsorred concert

Verbal acknowledgement at all performances


All sponsorship levels receive these benefits!
  Name listing in all concert programs

 Name listing on Gleemen website

  Acknowledgement on website (


Encore - $500  (click for online order)

Standing Ovation - $250

Name Listing  - $100

Name listing in all concert programs

Name listing on Gleemen website

Program Ad Opportunities

[online or print form]


Please consider advertising in our concert program!

We regularly sell out our concerts your ad will reach hundreds of potential local customers!

As an advertiser, you will get a free listing on the Sponsor page of our website that will include your company name, phone number, and a link to your website

We are a community chorus relying on community members like you for support

Click an ad below to order online or circle your ad, print, and mail.


Yes! We would like to participate as a sponsor of The Eugene Gleemen!

SPONSORS: Enclosed please find our check Please invoice us

☐ Check this box if you do NOT wish your name to be listed
(To pay by credit card use website or contact
Contact name: __________________________________________________________________________
Company Name / Individual name: ________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________

Phone:: _____________________Email______________________________________________________

Please remit payment, to: The Eugene Gleemen,  PO Box 10692, Eugene OR 974440 Tax ID # 93-6031749