Board ratification on 5.13.2024

Mission, Vision, & Values


The Eugene Gleemen are dedicated to excellence in the performance of men’s choral music, education, and outreach that serves the breadth and diversity of our community

Vision: Collaboration and partnerships throughout our service area creating joy in choral performance and excitement in music education, sustaining the Gleemen as an indispensable part of our diverse community.

Values: The choir is known for performing a wide variety of music genres. We are known for our innovative and eclectic programming which is intended to engage the old and young, the sophisticated and first-time listener, as well as those interested in understanding diverse cultures and periods. The positive experience extends to every contact that our patrons and performers have which includes volunteer opportunities, rehearsals, donor relations, performances, and events.

We are a diverse group of men who care passionately about the quality of our vocal sound and the professionalism of our performance and production values.

Community: We provide musical performances and resources that enhance the lives within our diverse community and promote learning opportunities for all. 

Excellence: We celebrate our rich history of almost 100 years and are committed to the highest level of artistic, administrative, board and volunteer quality and performance. 

Sustainability: We thoughtfully steward the gifts of our donors and responsibly invest in both our future and the subsequent enrichment of our community. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: We create a culture that values all employees, singers, board members and volunteers, regardless of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, neurodiversity, disability status, citizenship, or any other aspect which makes them unique. We actively seek diverse voices for the choir, board of directors, and staff. We are committed to understanding the ways in which our traditions privilege some communities over others. 

Our goal: To dismantle any inequities within our organization. As leaders in the choral arts, it is our responsibility to ensure the diversity of our choir and community is reflected in the music we sing. We believe that music is a universal language and that when we teach music and lead choral singing, we are building bridges that unite persons, communities, and cultures.